AQAR 2020 - 21
1.3.3 No. of Students Undertaking Project Work or Field Work
1.3.2 No. of Courses that include Experiential Learning Through Project Work During the Year
2.2. Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI State Govt. rule during the year
2.6.1 COs of Programmes run in the College and EOCs
2.6.1. PSOs and COs Hyperlinks - University Programmes
2.6.3 Annual Report University Examination
3.2. Number of sanctioned posts during the year
3.2.1 Institution has Ecosystem for Innovations and has Initiatives for Creation and Transfer of Knowledge
3.4.3 , 3.4.4 Extension Activities NSS Activity Report
3.5.1 Collaborative Activities
4.1.3 Combined PDF ICT Enabled Classrooms and Master Timetable
4.2.3 Expenditure For Purchase Of Books
5.3.2 College Committees 2020-21
5.3.3 No. of Cultural Events or Competitions in Which Students of the Institution Participated During 2020-21
5.1.1 Number of Students Benefitted by Scholarships and Freeships Provided by the Government or Institution or Non-Government
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and Deployment Funds or Grants received from Non-government Bodies Individuals Philanthropers in 2020-21
6.5.3 Annual Report
7.1 Details of CCTV Camera Surveillance
7.1.1 Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan
7.1.9 Sensitization of Students and Employees to the Constitutional Obligations Values, Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens
7.2 Best Practices Successfully Implemented by the Institution
7.3.1 Performance of the Institution in one area Distinctive to its Priority and Thrust CBCS B. A.B.Com M.A M.Sc. Programme-combined
1.3.2 No. of Students Undertaking Project Work / Field Work / Internship
4.2.2 4.2.3 Infrastructure Augmentation
Letter Govt. Scholarship
3.5.1 Collaborative Activities Invited lectures Faculty Invited as Keynote Speakers or Resource Person for Webinars
5.1.1 Audit Report 2020-21
5.1.4 Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the institution during the year
6.4.2 Audit Report 2020-21 Funds Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year
Phone: (02164) 220849 Email:
Shikshan Mandal, Karad’s
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karad
NAAC Reaccredited ‘B++’ (CGPA 2.85)