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Shikshan Mandal, Karad’s

Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karad

Economics Department

Programme Specific Outcomes


After the completion of B.A. Economics programme, the students will be able to –


PSO1: Apply their knowledge to analyze and assess in field of agriculture industry, banking and finance, environmental, ecological, societal issues to provide pragmatic solutions.


PSO 2: Formulate and execute project work, field Study, industrial visits to get practical exposure to current issues.


PSO 3: Enrich their knowledge of the principles, laws and theories in Economics useful for decision making processes.


PSO 4: Acquire the knowledge of social and sectoral aspects of development.


PSO 5: Understand the role of agriculture in the economic development of India.


PSO 6: Identify the growing demands for the employable manpower in the field of education, banking, finance, cooperative sector, institutions, research, agriculture, transport, communication, etc.


PSO 7: Orient themselves to promote and protect dignity, equality, social justice and human rights.


NAAC Reaccredited ‘B++’ (CGPA 2.85)