Criterion VI : Governance, Leadership and Management
6.2.2 Organogram
6.1.2 College Committees - 2022-23 - Objectives and Responsibilites
6.1.1 Vision Mission
6.2.3 Screenshots _ User Interface
6.3.2 No. of Teachers Provided with Financial Support to Attend Conferences or Workshops_removed_organized
6.3.5 Institution’s Performance Appraisal System for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff
6.3.3 Training Programmes - Non teaching
6.4.3 Institutional Strategies for Mobilization of Funds and the Optimal Utilization of Resources
6.3.4 No. of Teachers Undergoing Faculty Development Programme
6.3.1 Effective Welfare Measures for the Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff
6.5.1 Two Practices Institutionalized as a Result of IQAC initiatives
6.5.2 The Institution Reviews Its Teaching Learning Process through IQAC Set up
6.4.1 Audit Report Grantable and Non Grantable 22-23
6.2.1 Supporting Docs_ Strategic Plan and Deployment 22-23
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and Deployment 2022-23
6.4.2 Funds_Grants Received from Non-government Bodies, Individuals, Philanthropers
6.5.3 Annual Report 2022-23
6.5.3 Quality Assurance Initiatives 2022-23
Phone: (02164) 220849 Email:
Shikshan Mandal, Karad’s
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karad
NAAC Reaccredited ‘B++’ (CGPA 2.85)