Dr. U. N. Tathe - English - BA III - Novel in English
Semester V - Module I Rise & Development of Novel - MCQs Module I Rise and Development of the Novel
Semester V - Module I Rise & Development of Novel - Module I Rise and Development of the Novel
Semester V - Module II Aspects of The Novel - MCQs Module II Aspects of the Novel
Semester V - Module II Aspects of The Novel
Semester V - Module III Old Man and The Sea - Earnest Hemingway - MCQs with Answers
Semester V - Module III Old Man and The Sea - Old Man And The Sea - Earnest Hemingway
Semester V - Module IV The Power and The Glory - Graham Green - The Power and the Glory MCQ
Semester V - Module IV The Power and The Glory - The Power and The Glory
Semester VI - Animal Farm - 1st Rebellion
Semester VI - Animal Farm - 7 commandments
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm 1
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm 3
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm At a Glance
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm Critique
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm Quiz 3
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm Quiz
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Animal Farm Quiz with answers
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Character Map
Semester VI - Animal Farm - cover Animal Farm
Semester VI - Animal Farm - i a nutshell
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Module VII Animal Farm
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Novel Animal Farm- George-Orwell
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Quiz 4
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Quiz 5
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Quiz AF 2
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Themes
Semester VI - Animal Farm - Wood War
Semester VI - General Topics - Module V Historical Novel
Semester VI - General Topics - Module V Psychological Novel
Semester VI - General Topics - Module VI Epistolary Novel
Semester VI - General Topics - Module VI Satirical novel
Semester VI - The Guide - A Study of the Character Rosie in the Novel
Semester VI - The Guide - Character of Rosie
Semester VI - The Guide - Journal Article on Rosie
Semester VI - The Guide - Module VIII The Guide
Semester VI - The Guide - Narrative Technique
Semester VI - The Guide - Plot Construction1
Semester VI - The Guide - Raju
Semester VI - The Guide - Technique of Double Narration
Semester VI - The Guide - The Guide - Analysis and the Novel
Semester VI - The Guide - The Guide - The Guide Summary & Analysis
Semester VI - The Guide - The Guide - The Metamorphosis of Raju in The Guide
Semester VI - The Guide - The Guide - The__Guide by students
Semester VI - The Guide - The Guide - Transformation and Redemption of Raju
Semester VI - Question Bank-Novel in English
Syllabus Novel in English
Phone: (02164) 220849 Email: karadmahila@gmail.com
Shikshan Mandal, Karad’s
Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karad
NAAC Reaccredited ‘B++’ (CGPA 2.85)